CapTain Rain at the "Day of Hydrology" 2024 in Berlin


Oral presentation to the scientific community

The „Day of Hydrology“ (Tag der Hydrologie (TdH)) is an important conference on Hydrology in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. This year it took place in Berlin on the 20th and 21st of March and was hosted jointly by the three universities FU, HU and TU Berlin. The overall topic of the TdH 2024 was “Hydrology in the Anthropocene”. In the Thursday session on “Hydrology & humans” Dr. Clara Hohmann from the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences gave an oral presentation on the topic “Hydrological approaches to assess flash flood risks in data scarce and climate-change affected regions like Jordan”. The presentation gave insights into the scenario approach within the CapTain Rain project and showed results of the hydraulic and hydrological models for different rainfall and land cover conditions. The presentation was a joined work of Koblenz University, itwh, PIK and ISOE. The audience was very interested in the topic and in the selection of scenarios and gave very positive feedback. Many interesting and fruitful discussions took place during the conference. A short article will be published in the proceedings of the conference soon.

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