Final Events of CapTain Rain in Amman and Wadi Musa


Handover of products to the Jordanian partners

On Sunday, June 30, 2024, the final event of the CapTain Rain project took place at the Al-Hussein Cultural Center in Amman. It was a very successful gathering with more than 70 participants. Among them were representatives from all Jordanian project partners and other institutions such as the National Center for Security and Crisis Management, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, the Royal Scientific Society, the Jordan Engineers Association, the Water Authority Jordan and the International water management institute. In addition to the German CapTain Rain team, a representative of the funding agency also took part. Further German participants included representatives from the German Embassy in Jordan, the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources and the German Development Cooperation. The event was opened by the City Manager of Amman, Eng. Ahmad Malkawi. After short Jordanian-German presentations highlighting the products of the different work packages, there was room for an exhibition of these products, including maps, posters and models allowing for more detailed discussions. Now all products are available to the Jordanian partners and stakeholders.

A further event to celebrate the successful end of the CapTain Rain project was conducted in Wadi Musa on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, at the Petra Guesthouse. There, the German partners met with 15 members from PDTRA including the Chief Commissioner, H.E. Dr. Fares Braizat, and the project’s focal point Dr. Hussein Hasanat. The event was very successful and all assured the desire for ongoing collaboration and the need to further work on the important topic of climate change adaptation including the restoring of the old Nabatean water management system.

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