Series of CapTain Rain online seminars finished
by Christina Maus
Five online seminars as part of the capacity building
The online seminars took place between the 17th March and 8th June 2022. The German project partners provided insights into their research activities and discussed possible approaches with the participants. Altogether, five research topics from different work packages were presented. The first seminar was held by the German company KISTERS AG, demonstrating a powerful data management tool for early warning systems. The itwh GmbH informed in the second seminar about data needs and possible approaches to analyze flood hazards. Together with the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences they also gave an overview of hydrological and hydraulic models for flash flood risk assessment in the third seminar. A highlight during this online seminar was the presentation of Dr. Qasem Abdelal from the German-Jordanian University who gave insights into his research in the Wadi Musa catchment. In the fourth seminar, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) gave an introduction to predictors for heavy rainfall events in Jordan. The series ended with the fifth online seminar held by the German company Hamburg Wasser. They gave an overview on possible measures to reduce flash flood damages and presented the sponge city approach. The CapTain Rain team plans to follow-up with hands-on workshops in autumn 2022 in Jordan which will be based on these introductory online seminars. More information about the coming workshops as well as material from the seminars will be available soon.